List of files and Registers to be maintained

Visitor’s register with columns for Serial Number, Name, Contact Number, Purpose of visit, Time of arrival, Time of departure, Vehicle number-if the vehicle is brought in and Signature.

If other, precise:

Gate Pass Record for Students availing Short Leave from School on urgency.

If other, precise:

Enquiry register and telephone register with columns for Name, Purpose, Contact Number and Signature.

If other, precise:

A register to record the appointments taken to meet the principal.

If other, precise:

Complaint Register for Visitors.

If other, precise:

Gate Pass Record for Students availing Short Leave from School on urgency.

If other, precise:

Photocopy of the Society Registration Certificate and Renewal Certificate (if Applicable).

If other, precise:

Copy of the certificate of the Minority Institution.

If other, precise:

List of the present members of the Registered Society.

If other, precise:

List of the present members of the Local Management Committee (LMC).

If other, precise:

List of the members of Parents-Teachers Association (PTA)

If other, precise:

Photocopy of the No Objection Certificate (NOC)/Recognition from the Department of Education-Government of Rajasthan/Punjab

If other, precise:

Photocopy of the certificate of Affiliation to CBSE/ICSE/State Board.

If other, precise:

Files of information, circulars, correspondence etc., from the Education Department of Khrist Jyoti Province.

If other, precise:

Files of all correspondence and letters of information from the DC, DEO and other Government Officers.

If other, precise:

Files of all correspondence with the Education Department of the respective State.

If other, precise:

A copy of the School Service Manual of the Society.

If other, precise:

A copy of the Guidelines for Administration given from the Society.

If other, precise:

A copy of the appointment letter of the Principal.

If other, precise:

List of the teaching and non-teaching staff including Sisters with their Date of appointment, Academic credentials, present post, the salary being drawn and the date of retirement/leave.

If other, precise:

Admission registers and files with application forms and birth certificates.

If other, precise:

Attendance registers of students with columns for morning and afternoon attendance.

If other, precise:

Attendance registers of the staff.

If other, precise:

Late comers’ register for the staff.

If other, precise:

Lesson plan register (checked and signed by the principal on every Monday and Friday).

If other, precise:

Daily activity record; briefly mentioning all events that happened on the day (to be maintained by the Principal).

If other, precise:

Register of announcements or notices to the class.

If other, precise:

Chronicles to record all the important events.

If other, precise:

Principal’s class visit record.

If other, precise:

Marks register.

If other, precise:

Promotion List.

If other, precise:

Students’ Summary record.

If other, precise:

A copy of CBSE/ICSE/Board Rules and Regulations.

If other, precise:

Files of all correspondences with the CBSE/ICSE/RSEB/PSEB etc.

If other, precise:

Students’ Board Examination Documents (Year wise)

If other, precise:

Internal Assessment/Project/SUPW and other academic activities record.

If other, precise:

A copy of the current teaching schedule for teachers (Time Table).

If other, precise:

A copy of number of working days; hours granted for each subject/free period of the teachers (Class timetable and Teacher’s time table).

If other, precise:

Records of Class tests taken.

If other, precise:

Register of notices sent to the classes with the signature of teachers.

If other, precise:

A file of all the notices and instructions the Principal has published/put on the notice board time to time.

If other, precise:

Files of copies/Xerox of all the certificates issued by the Principal.

If other, precise:

Teacher’s substitutions register.

If other, precise:

Any new method introduced in the school to improve the academic standard of the students and evaluation of the same by students, teachers, relevant persons etc.

If other, precise:

Report on the moderator system to monitor the teachers.

If other, precise:

A copy of the Right to Education Act (RTE), 2009.

If other, precise:

Register of Transfer Certificate issued to Students.

If other, precise:

CBSE/ICSE/ RSEB/PSEB Certificate issued.

If other, precise:

Regular Student/bonafide Certificate register.

If other, precise:

CEA Certificate issued.

If other, precise:

Photocopy of the Society Registration Certificate and Renewal Certificate (if Applicable).

If other, precise:

Copy of the certificate of the Minority Institution.

If other, precise:

List of the present members of the Registered Society.

If other, precise:

List of the present members of the Local Management Committee (LMC).

If other, precise:

Minutes Book of LMC Meetings (Minimum 2 meetings in a year)

If other, precise:

List of the members of Parents-Teachers Association (PTA).

If other, precise:

Photocopy of the No Objection Certificate (NOC)/Recognition from the Department of Education-Government of Rajasthan/Punjab.

If other, precise:

Photocopy of the certificate of Affiliation to CBSE/ICSE/State Board.

If other, precise:

Files of information, circulars, correspondence etc., from the Education Department of Khrist Jyoti Province.

If other, precise:

Files of all correspondence and letters of information from the DC, DEO and other Government Officers.

If other, precise:

Files of all correspondence with the Education Department of the respective State.

If other, precise:

A copy of the School Service Manual of the Society.

If other, precise:

A copy of the Guidelines for Administration given from the Society.

If other, precise:

A copy of the appointment letter of the Principal.

If other, precise:

List of the teaching and non-teaching staff including Sisters with their Date of appointment, Academic credentials, present post, the salary being drawn and the date of retirement/leave.

If other, precise:

File of the updated appointment order to the teachers.

If other, precise:

Original Application.

If other, precise:

Duly filled in Application form of the Society

If other, precise:

Order of Original Appointment and Agreement.

If other, precise:

Renewal of Appointment.

If other, precise:

Copy of the Declaration papers of the School Service Manual signed by the teacher before taking up the appointment.

If other, precise:

Confidential report with the annual evaluation of each teacher.

If other, precise:

Record of any warning or corrections given.

If other, precise:

Attested/Self Attested photocopies of all certificates of the employee’s qualifications; verified by the Manager with the signature affixed.

If other, precise:

Assessment of each teacher by others (excluding ‘f’ above) and other observations and/or complaints received.

If other, precise:

Record of salary drawn with details per year (1 sheet per teacher)

If other, precise:

A copy of CBSE/ICSE/Board Rules and Regulations.

If other, precise:

A copy of the Right to Education Act (RTE), 2009.

If other, precise:

A copy of the Supreme Court Judgment concerning the non-applicability of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 to the minority schools, whether aided or unaided.

If other, precise:

Daily Income and Expenditure Register (Cash Book).

If other, precise:

Salary Statement Record.

If other, precise:

Salary Register.

If other, precise:

Employee’s overtime wages record.

If other, precise:

ESI record.

If other, precise:

Provident Fund (PF) record.

If other, precise:

Bank Statement/Pass book.

If other, precise:

Files of Monthly returns.

If other, precise:

Balance Sheets (Audited Financial Accounts).

If other, precise:

Annual Budget.

If other, precise:

Stock Register.

If other, precise:

Cheque Book Register.

If other, precise:

List of Fee Committee Members.

If other, precise:

Minutes of fee committee meetings.

If other, precise:

All counter foils of fee-payments and receipts including those of the bank deposits, Tuition fees, Annual fees, Development Fees, Transportation fees etc.

If other, precise:

Details of online payments done by students (Class wise).

If other, precise:

Photocopies/originals of all electronic, electrical and other costly goods purchased.

If other, precise:

Guarantee/Warrantee cards of all electronic, electrical and other costly goods purchased.

If other, precise:

Original Certificates of LPG (cooking gas for laboratory) connections, water connection etc.

If other, precise:

Register with details of funds collected for special purposes and details of expenses (namely Picnic, Christmas and other celebrations, General competitions, Feast etc.).

If other, precise:

Inventory of moveable costly goods bought each year (Annual inventory-if possible with the photocopy of their bills-when cost is above Rs. 3000/-)

If other, precise:

Record of any other income.

If other, precise:

Book to note recurring expenses viz. newspaper and periodicals, computer maintenance, travel expenses, PF and ESI professional charges etc. (devote one page for each item)

If other, precise:

Inventory of teaching aids.

If other, precise:

Minutes of Staff Meetings.

If other, precise:

Library Accession Register.

If other, precise:

Register for Issuing Books to the students and staff.

If other, precise:

Register for periodicals.

If other, precise:

Book Stock Register.

If other, precise:

Damaged Book Register.

If other, precise:

Repaired Book Register.

If other, precise:

Register of reference books and Current Periodicals.

If other, precise:

Fine Collection Register for mishandling/misuse/damaging books.

If other, precise:

Record of ‘No Dues Certificate’ issued to student while his/her transfer/withdrawal from the school.

If other, precise:

Registers of practical conducted with name of the teacher, name of the experiment, name of the equipment or chemical used and the signature of the teacher (Separate for Physics, Chemistry and Biology).

If other, precise:

Stock Register with columns containing Date, Quantity, Particulars, Price, Repaired/damaged.

If other, precise:

Stock Register of Language Laboratories.

If other, precise:

Stock Register with columns containing Date, Quantity, Particulars, Price, Repaired/damaged

If other, precise:

Inventory of medicines that can be used for children.

If other, precise:

List of medicines kept.

If other, precise:

Stock of Medicines.

If other, precise:

List of expired medicines.

If other, precise:

Record of medication given to students/staff.

If other, precise:

BOOK LIST ( y e a r w i s e )

If other, precise:

Whether book list is uploaded in the website

If other, precise:

Whether any changes are noticed in the centralized list

If other, precise:

Lab Manuals are used in the school, as prescribed by the CBSE/ICSE/PSEB/RSEB or not?

If other, precise:

Map Workbooks are used in the school, as prescribed by the CBSE/ICSE/PSEB/RSEB or not?

If other, precise: